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Attorney Specializes In Traffic Citations In Brookhaven Ga
The Anand Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to representing individuals in Brookhaven Ga that are accused of traffic violations. Our goal is to provide you with timely, honest and straightforward legal representation in order to achieve the best resolution of your citation.
If you have received a citation in Brookhaven Georgia and are convicted, you may be facing points against your driver’s license, heavy fines and court fees, increased insurance premiums and a license suspension.
Here is information on just some of the violations we can assist you with:
License Suspended Or Revoked
Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device
Leaving The Scene Of An Accident
Driving Within Gore or Median
Aggressive Driving
Reckless Driving
DUI Charge
Hit and Run
Laying Drag Charge
Driving Without Insurance
Improper Passing Citation
Failure To Signal Turn
Running A Stop Sign
Failure to Yield
Driving The Wrong Way
Super Speeder Ticket
Improper Lane Change
Following Too Closely
Texting While Driving
Speeding Ticket
Closed Roadway Ticket
Truck Lane Violation
Improper U Turn
School Bus Citation
Driving While License Suspended
Impeding the Flow of Traffic
Obstructing An Intersection
Driving Under The Influence
HOV Lane Violation
Street Racing Citation
Possession Of Marijuana
Failure To Appear
Open Container
Improper Passing
Move Over Law
Call me to see if I am available to represent you in a different court at (678) 895-6039.
Failure to Appear in Court
If you failed to appear in a Georgia court for your traffic violation, then your license can be suspended and the Court can issue a bench warrant for your arrest. The suspension and warrant will remain active until the Department of Driver Services receives notice from the Court that the case against you has been adjudicated.
We are experienced at handling failure to appear issues in Georgia. We can assist you with getting your case back on the docket, eliminating the bench warrant, getting your license back in good standing with the Georgia Department of Driver Services and negotiating a favorable resolution of your charges with the prosecutor.
Speeding and Super Speeder Violations
Depending on how fast you are accused of operating your vehicle, speeding violations can cause between 2 and 6 points to be assessed against your driving record. The maximum fine can be $1,000.00. Additionally, Georgia has a “Super Speeder Law” which applies to a driver convicted of speeding at 75 mph or more on a two-lane road or at 85 mph and above on any road or highway in the State of Georgia. If you are convicted of a “Super Speeder” violation, then in addition to the fines and fees paid to the Georgia Court, you will have to pay a $200 Super Speeder fee to the State of Georgia. Failure to pay the Super Speeder fee within 120 days of official notice will result in the suspension of your driver’s license or driving privileges. Payment of a $50 reinstatement fee in addition to the $200 Super Speeder fee will then be required to reinstate your license or driving privileges.
If you receive a speeding ticket in Georgia, it is a great idea to speak with an experienced Georgia Speeding Ticket Attorney before paying your ticket. We help you avoid points on your record, heavy fines, increased insurance premiums and a possible license suspension.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
If you operate a motor vehicle in Georgia with a suspended or revoked license, you will be facing a misdemeanor criminal offense for which you will have to appear in court.
A conviction in a Georgia Court for Driving While License Suspended or Revoked will be reported to the Georgia Department of Driver Services. This can cause a further license suspension without any limited permit for you. In addition to the fines and court costs incurred in court, you will face heavy reinstatement fees to get your license back once the suspension period has passed. Also, it is not uncommon for the prosecutor to recommend jail time on this violation. Additionally, the court will have to take and forward your fingerprints to the Georgia Crime Information Center. Finally, if you miss your court date for Driving While License Suspended or Revoked in a Georgia court, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately.
If you receive a citation for Driving While License Suspended or Revoked in Georgia, please contact us today. We can help you resolve your case without a possible further license suspension and jail time.
No Insurance
If you own or operate a vehicle in Georgia, you have no choice but to maintain certain minimum valid, up to date insurance coverage.
A conviction in a Georgia Court for No Insurance will result in a license suspension by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. In addition to the fines and court costs incurred in court, you will face heavy reinstatement fees to get your license back once the suspension period has passed. Also, it is not uncommon for the prosecutor to recommend jail time on this violation. Additionally, if you miss your court date in Georgia for No Insurance, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately.
If you receive a ticket for No Insurance in Georgia, we can help you resolve your case in a more favorable way, often by speaking with the prosecutor and negotiating a plea on your behalf that will save your license and keep you out of jail.
If you engage in any sort of competition, test or exhibition of speed on a Georgia street or highway, you can be charged with Racing in Georgia.
Racing is considered a Major Traffic Violation by the Georgia Department of Driver Services, and as a result, is also a very serious offense in Georgia. If you are convicted of racing, you will face a mandatory license suspension, along with high fines and possible jail time. Additionally, if you miss your court date for racing in Georgia, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately.
If you receive a citation for Racing in Georgia, it is a great idea to consult with an experienced Georgia Racing Attorney. We can are experienced at handling Racing cases and can help you avoid points, heavy fines, a license suspension and possible jail time.
Reckless Driving
Reckless Driving is when someone drives their automobile in a way that shows reckless disregard for the safety of other people and property.
This is considered a Serious Traffic Violation by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. If you are convicted of reckless driving in a Georgia Court, you will be assessed 4 points against your driving record. Additionally, if you miss your court date for reckless driving, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately. Also, if you are under 21 and you are convicted of reckless driving, the Georgia Department of Driver Services will suspend your license upon notice of the conviction from a Georgia Court.
It is wise for you to contact an attorney if you have been issued a citation for Reckless Driving. We have been handling Reckless Driving cases since 2008 and can help you resolve your case in a favorable way.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive Driving is when a driver operates his or her vehicle with the intent to annoy, harass, molest, intimidate, injure, or obstruct another person. It is also considered a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
If you are convicted of aggressive driving in a Georgia Court, you will be assessed 6 points against your driving record. Additionally, if you miss your court date for aggressive driving in Georgia, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately. Also, if you are under 21 and you are convicted of aggressive driving, the Georgia Department of Driver Services will suspend your license upon notice of the conviction from a Georgia Court.
We are here to help you with your Aggressive Driving violation. We offer a free consultation with an experienced Georgia Reckless Driving Ticket Lawyer and can help your reduce the impact of your charge by looking for possible defenses against your citation and negotiating a great resolution for you.
Unlawfully Passing a School Bus
Generally speaking, if you see a school bus stopped with its lights on (they are usually flashing red lights in the back and front of the bus) and its stop sign out, you must stop your vehicle.
This is considered a Serious Traffic Violation by the Georgia Department of Driver Services because it involved the safety of children. If you are convicted of Unlawfully Passing a School Bus in a Georgia Court, you will be assessed 6 points against your driving record and probably face scrutiny from the judge. Additionally, if you miss your court date Unlawfully Passing a School Bus, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately. Also, if you are under 21 and you are convicted of unlawfully passing a school bus, the Georgia Department of Driver Services will suspend your license upon notice of the conviction from a Georgia Court.
It is important to have an experienced and qualified attorney on your side if you are facing a charge for Unlawfully Passing a School Bus. We can help keep this charge off your record.
Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident
In Georgia, if you are involved in an accident, regardless of how serious or minor, you are required to stop at the scene of the accident and provide some basic information to the other party, such as your name, address and registration number of your vehicle.
This is considered a Major Traffic Violation by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. If you are convicted of Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident in a Georgia Court, your driver’s license will be suspended. Additionally, if you miss your court date for Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Georgia, a bench warrant can be issued against you immediately. Also, if you are under 21 and you are convicted, the Georgia Department of Driver Services will suspend your license upon notice of the conviction from a Georgia Court.
Due to the serious nature of this charge, it is critical to have experienced Georgia Hit and Run Lawyer on your side. Do not simply plead guilty and lose your license. Consult with us today and get the help you need to avoid heavy fines, a license suspension and possible jail time.
Failure to Exercise Due Care/Unlawful Use of Wireless Device
Depending on whether it is your first offense, your second or your third, you can be assessed 1 to 3 points if you are convicted of Failure to Exercise Due Care/Unlawful Use of Wireless Device. Under the Georgia hands-free law:
- A driver is prohibited from having a phone in his or her hand or using any other part of their body to support a phone.
- Drivers may only use their phones to make or receive phone calls via speakerphone, earpiece, wireless headphone or if the phone is connected to the vehicle itself or an electronic watch.
- Headsets and earpieces may only be worn for communication purposes and may not be used for listening to music or other entertainment purposes.
- A driver may not send or read any text-based communication unless using voice-based services like Siri or Alexa that automatically convert their message to written text.
- A driver may not write, send or read any text messages, emails, social media or internet data content.
- A driver may not watch a video unless it is for navigation.
- A driver may not record a video -- continuously running dashcams are exempt from this rule.
Police officers are aggressively enforcing this law. If you receive a citation for Failure to Exercise Due Care or Unlawful Use of a Wireless Device, do not just pay your ticket. Take the time to contact our office and speak to an experienced lawyer about how to keep this off your record.
Improper Lane Change
If you are convicted of Improper Lane Change in Georgia, you will be assessed 3 points on your driving record and have to pay a fine in the jurisdiction in which you received the ticket. Improper Lane Change is basically when you drive on a roadway that has multiple lanes and you fail to stay in your lane and/or you cannot properly or smoothly change lanes. Furthermore, you have to follow any traffic control devices that are in place to regulate the flow of traffic. If you fail to properly change lanes, you can be charged with this offense.
We are here to help you with your Improper Lane Change citation. We offer a free consultation and can help your reduce the impact of your charge by looking for possible defenses against your citation and negotiating a great resolution for you.
Driving within Gore
A Gore or Median is basically a dividing space on the road where you are not supposed to drive your car. Examples include exit and entrance ramps on highways which are there to create space in between the lanes to ensure driver safety. You will often see them painted a different color (or with certain designs, like stripes) and created in a triangular shape. You are not supposed to drive on these areas.
Sometimes mistakes happen or bad judgment takes over and you end up driving through these areas. If you have received a ticket for Driving within Gore, please contact us. We are experienced at defending this citation and can help you avoid the charge (a 3 point violation) from going on your record.
Obstructing an Intersection
A driver is not permitted to obstruct an intersection, meaning you should not drive your vehicle into an intersection if doing so will hinder the ability of other vehicles or pedestrians to pass. For example, if you travel into an intersection on a green light, be sure that you can safely clear the intersection. Otherwise, it is best to wait for traffic to pass.
If you get a ticket for Obstructing an Intersection, you are facing 3 points on your driving record and a fine. We would love to help you with your Obstructing an Intersection ticket. Our track record is very strong at keeping these tickets off your record.
Laying Drags
In Georgia, unless you are trying to avoid an accident or some other damage, you cannot drive your car in a zigzag or circular course or gyrate or spin around on any street or highway. Doing so puts you at risk of being charged with Laying Drags.
It is important to have an experienced and qualified Georgia Laying Drags Attorney on your side if you are facing a charge for Laying Drags. We can help keep this charge off your record.
“Move Over” Violation
If you see a police officer or emergency vehicle that has its flashing lights on, you must make a lane change into a lane that is not right next to where the vehicle is, or if you cannot safely change lanes, you must reduce the speed of your motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop your automobile. In other words, slow down to the point where you can stop safely.
If you get a ticket for a Move Over Violation, you are facing 3 points on your driving record and a fine. Contact us today to speak to an experienced Georgia Move Over Violation ticket lawyer. We can help you keep your driving record clean.
Following Too Closely
In Georgia, drivers must maintain a reasonable and safe distance between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them at all times, taking into account the speeds of the vehicles and the road conditions that exist.
Sometimes as drivers, we get too close to the car in front of us, and accidents happen. If you hit the car in front of you, you will almost certainly be charged with Following Too Closely. A conviction would result in 3 points on your driving record. But we can help you minimize the negative consequences of your Following Too Closely charge. Contact us today to speak to an experienced Georgia Following Too Closely Lawyer.
Possession of Marijuana
If you have been charged with a Marijuana related offense, please call us today to speak to an experienced Georgia Marijuana Lawyer. Marijuana laws vary in the severity of their punishment depending on how much marijuana was in your possession when you are charged. If you are charged with possessing less than 1 ounce, you are facing a misdemeanor possession charge that can result in up to 1 year in jail and a $1,000 fine. If you are in possession of more than 1 ounce and/or you are selling or trafficking marijuana, you are facing a felony possession charge, which could result in up to 10 years in jail and much higher fines.
Either way, having an experienced Georgia Marijuana Lawyer on your side can benefit you. We have the knowledge of Georgia Marijuana laws, we know Georgia rules of evidence and we know Georgia courtroom procedure. Without an experienced and skilled Georgia Marijuana lawyer on your side, you are leaving too much to chance. The prosecutor will not take your case as seriously and the judge will likely show you no mercy. Do not face the prosecutor and judge alone. Get the help you need by calling us at 678-895-6039. You can speak to an experienced Georgia Marijuana Attorney today!
Impeding the Flow of Traffic
In Georgia, it is prohibited to obstruct the flow of traffic. Generally speaking, if you are driving slower than what is reasonable or necessary, you could be charged with impeding the flow of normal traffic. Additionally, when there are two or more lanes on a given road, the left lane is designated for faster moving traffic. As such, if you are in the left lane and you see another car behind you trying to overtake you, you cannot operate your vehicle at less than the speed limit; otherwise you are impeding the flow of traffic. These are just some examples of impeding the flow of traffic. If you are found guilty, you will face 3 points on your driving record.
Failure to Obey Stop Sign
Every driver approaching a stop sign must stop at a clearly marked line or crosswalk or before the intersection where the stop sign exists. It is important that you stop before the actual stop sign and that you make a full, complete stop. Many drivers roll through stop signs or fail to fully bring the vehicle to a halt. That can land you a Failure to Obey Stop Sign ticket. Also, keep in mind that after stopping, you should look both ways and make sure the intersection or roadway is clear before resuming your travels. A conviction for this offense carries 3 points against your driving record.
Failure to Yield
In Georgia, there are certain times when a driver has to yield the right of way to another vehicle or even a pedestrian. For example in Georgia, you have to yield the right of way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. In other words, you cannot just drive through the crosswalk when a pedestrian is properly occupying that space to cross the road. You must wait for the pedestrian to pass, i.e., yield the right of way, before you can travel through the road.
Here are some of the common Failure to Yield citations in Georgia that drivers must be aware of to:
- Failure to Yield to Oncoming Traffic (Georgia Code Section 40-6-41)
- Failure to Yield at Intersections (Georgia Code section 40-6-70)
- Failure to Yield when Turning Left (Georgia Code section 40-6-71)
- Failure to Yield when Entering or Crossing Roadway (Georgia Code section 40-6-73)
- Failure to Yield to Bicycle (Georgia Code section 40-6-55)
- Failure to Yield to Construction Vehicle (Georgia Code section 40-6-75)
- Failure to Yield to Funeral Procession (Georgia Code section 40-6-76)
- Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle (Georgia Code section 40-6-74)
These Failure to Yield offenses carry 3 points.
Improper U-Turn
All U-Turns must be made in accordance with Georgia law and the applicable traffic control devices present on the road. If there is a curve, you cannot make a U-turn. If you are at the top of a grade and the driver of an oncoming vehicle cannot see you, you cannot make a U-Turn. Really, under any situation where a turn cannot be safely made and without interfering with other traffic, you cannot make a U-Turn. Also, if there are traffic control signs stating that a U-Turn is not permitted, you obviously cannot pull a U-Turn. Other than that, just use caution when performing a U-Turn and do your best to keep your vehicle in a single lane so as to not create an unsafe condition. Violating this law carries 3 points against your driving record.
These are just some of the many violations we handle. If you receive one of these citations or any other traffic violation, please contact us today. We can save you time, money and the hassle associated with contesting your ticket. Our goal is always to help you resolve your case without points against your record and do so in the most pain-free way possible to you.
I can save you money, time, your driving record and even your job! Call (678) 895-6039 to discuss your case.
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What Other Are Saying
Easy to work with and good result.
I contacted the Anand Law Firm due to a lapse in insurance coverage. Mr. Anand was very quick to respond to questions. Usually within an hour in fact. I had the choice of visiting their office or just conducting everything over email - which is really convenient obviously. Mr. Anand was upfront about my prospects and forecasted events pretty much exactly as they turned out. I ended up with the case being dismissed and paid a small fine. A conviction would have meant license suspension. So I'm very pleased with their response times, fees and most importantly, the result they were able to achieve for me.
October 31, 2014
I reached out to get help with a speeding ticket and couldn't be happier with my decision! From the beginning, he was honest about what my options were and what to expect. I never felt that he was pressuring me to hire him, which I really appreciated. The fee was extremely reasonable, compared to what other traffic lawyers had quoted me. He was always professional and polite. He did a great job and I got the best possible outcome. So glad I went with him!
March 25, 2014
Great lawyer and a great guy
I cannot say enough good things about Shank. We brought him 10 years worth of unsettled tickets and very low expectations, but for a decent rate, they were able to work out agreements in 5 different courts and I had my license back in a matter of weeks. Other attorneys literally laughed at me when I told them about our situation!
July 3, 2013
Lawyer got me off my charge
The cops wrote me tickets for no license and no insurance. AND, I had both! But Shanks a good guy, he fixed it for me. Thanks!
July 25, 2012
Great Traffic/Drug Attorney
I was busted for having marijuana in my car after a traffic stop. The attorney helped me save my license, avoid points on my license and the fines were lowered by over 50%. I am very happy with the entire experience; he was a great guy to work with.
May 9, 2012
Great Traffic Ticket Attorney
I hired attorney Shashank Anand after my daughter received a speeding ticket for going 100 in a 70. My initial thought was that she was going to lose her license. After meeting with the attorney I was immediately more comfortable. My daughter was able to keep her license, she incurred no points, and after a small fine, she was on her way back to school. THANK YOU!
March 15, 2012
“I’ve hired The Anand Law Firm twice in the past month for tickets that my wife received. One was for speeding 21 miles an hour over the limit. That would have been 3 points on her license. The attorney Shank Anand got this ticket reduced to a 0 point violation. The other ticket was for running a stop sign. The attorney got this ticket dismissed. I’m very satisfied with their service and will always rely on them for any traffic citation me or my family gets.”
Benjamin B.
(Roswell, GA)
“I’m 17 years old and was recently pulled over for speeding at 24 miles an hour over the limit. When I went to court, the prosecutor said that if I pled guilty, my license would be suspended. I decided to hire a lawyer. I contacted Mr. Anand and he agreed to represent me. His fees were affordable and he treated me with care and respect. Best of all, he got the entire ticket kept off my record! I was amazed. I was very pleased with the results and keep their phone number in my cell phone now.”
Denise G.
(Marietta, GA)
“I made a wise choice by hiring the Anand Law Firm. Their fees were reasonable and my case was handled quickly and efficiently. I kept my license and paid only a small fine. Definitely worth the money!”
Delando W.
(Dunwoody, GA)
“My case complicated and involved failure to maintain lane and marijuana possession. I did not want to lose my license and have a criminal record, so I hired the attorney at the Anand Law Firm. He was able to work out a great deal for me on both charges. I kept my license and both charges were dismissed from my record through a diversion program. My attorney worked out a deal where I did some community service, paid a reduced fine and was briefly on probation. It worked out very well for me and I’m grateful to the Anand Law Firm”
Abhay J
(Sandy Springs, GA)
“I missed my court date for a traffic ticket and the court issued a bench warrant for my arrest. I was scared and didn’t know what to do. I contacted Mr. Anand. I had hired him in the past and was pleased, so I decided to hire him again. Thankfully, Mr. Anand was able to get the bench warrant for my arrest lifted and resolved the traffic violation too. I did not have to spend any time in jail like I thought I would. Spending the money to hire him was a great decision.”
Julia G
(Smyrna, GA)
Call us today at (678) 895-6039 or email
Whether it is a speeding ticket, reckless driving, DUI or an illegal lane change that you have been ticket for we can help you in Alpharetta GA!
The Anand Law Firm, LLC
11555 Medlock Bridge Road
Suite 100
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Office: (678) 895-6039