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Please call (678) 895-6039 today for a free, no obligation consultation with an experienced Georgia laying drags ticket Attorney. We would love to speak to you about the facts of your laying drags case and help you achieve the best result possible.
Laying Drags
In Georgia, if you drive your car in a zigzag or circular course or gyrate or spin around on any street or highway, you can be charged with laying drags. A common example would be doing “donuts” in your car. It may look fun on television, but it is illegal in Georgia and can cost you big time. Unless you are trying to avoid a collision or damage (like a true emergency situation where something drastic is required to avoid an accident), this is not allowed under Georgia Law and you could be issued a citation.
If you would like to read the actual statute on Laying Drags, please look up Official Code of Georgia 40-6-251.
- A misdemeanor criminal offense on your record;
- 3 points on your driving record;
- A maximum fine of $1,000. The fine will vary depending on the jurisdiction, whether there are aggravating or mitigating factors, and your driving record;
- Increased insurance premiums for several years; and
- A license suspension if you are over the Georgia Department of Driver Services point threshold
Having a skilled and experienced Georgia laying drags attorney on your case will help you achieve a better result.
- We help keep your driving record clean. We can negotiate with the prosecutor to amend your laying drags citation to a reduced or non-reporting violation so that you do not get 3 points on your record. Sometimes, we can identify defenses, mitigating circumstances or technical/procedural mistakes made by the police officer that issued you the laying drags ticket, which could result in a dismissal of your charge.
- We can save you money. If you simply pay your laying drag ticket and it goes on your record, your insurance company will use it against you by increasing your insurance premiums. It does not look great to have a laying drags conviction on your record and insurance companies know that. Most likely, they will increase your premiums by thousands over dollars for several years and you will probably lose any safe driver discount you may have had. By keeping the ticket off your record, we'll save you more money in the long run.
- We can save you time: Whenever it is possible, we handle your case without you having to appear in court to face the prosecutor and judge. However, depending on the court and the facts of your case, your appearance may necessary or beneficial; in that event, we can still save you time because due to procedural rules, courts typically hear attorney represented cases before hearing non-represented cases, thereby drastically decreasing the amount of time you spend in court.
- We offer clear flat fee representation so you are never surprised by the legal fees we charge.
- We are easy to get in touch with and pride ourselves on promptly returning phone calls and emails.
We have handled thousands of tickets all over Georgia and have a strong record of success since 2008. We welcome you to call us today at (678) 895-6039 to discuss your laying drags case.
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Whether it is a speeding ticket, reckless driving, DUI or an illegal lane change that you have been ticket for we can help!
The Anand Law Firm, LLC
11555 Medlock Bridge Road
Suite 100
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Office: (678) 895-6039